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April 28, 2002

Another passing month gone by and I am still flying.  They say that as you get older time flies by faster.  This feeling is regulated by the loss of a certain chemical in our bodies which we have an abundance of while we are children.  This chemical made those summer days when we were kids last for what seemed to be decades...  I miss those days.

These thoughts to sleep.. I take them now.. 



April 23, 2002


I don't think I have had such an eventful month of April quite before in my life.  On a quick rundown.. here goes:

New Car (which you saw on my photo page if you cared to keep up to date)

Trip to Las Vegas for 5 days - Concert, walking, walking, nice guys, walking walking, some drinking, some gambling, walking, walking.. did I say walking?

Trip to PA - visit with family, a much needed one.

Work - has been busy, downsizing and lost 2 of my co-workers, which didn't really seem to affect our process all that much in the end.

Writing - I have done some.. but I am keeping a lot of it to myself... but in that.. I am peeling away layers of dead skin, layers of my life I no longer need to keep with me.  The wind feels good on my skin while it wisks away self doubt and leaves open the door for everything the world can offer me.

For now.. time for bed..