Journal Entries
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An enigmatic view into a person's thoughts can change your life forever...

Have you ever found yourself in a room looking around at all the people around you.  Have you ever imagined what they were thinking?  How uncomfortable they might be.  How bored they might be.  How turned on they might be.  How hungry for attention they might be.  How hurting they might be.  Have you ever wanted to know...for just a minute what it is like to be that other person. 

Sometimes peeking in someone's journal can satisfy that curiosity, that voyeur in all of us.  Please read my journal with an open mind, it is after all my journal.  Feel free to drop me a line anytime about anything you read in my journal.  Enjoy the reading through the months.

  • MAY 2002 - Isn't it strange how when you least expect it.. some new friends come along to teach you more about life?

  • APRIL 2002 - Not much to say this month.. but I am certainly not sleeping the month away.... 

  • March 2002 - I have a birthday this month.. who would have thought and unlikely date would make it special?

  • February 2002 Well, I don't have much to say yet.. or maybe I do, you'll have to look and see.  Valentine's day is coming and as usual it will be a wash.. but hey the weather is nice!!!  

  • January 2002 I have no idea where this month, year, or hour is leading me as of yet.. but have a peek and maybe you can make sense out of my days.... 



  • OCTOBER 2001:  This month has started out like a bad Harlequin romance novel, but that does not mean that it has to end that way.  Keep an eye on this page.. you never know what might happen..

  • November 2001:  Now don't try to peek ahead... the future remains where it is at after all..

  • December 2001:  And.. don't be thinkin you can check out December before it has even arrived... you will ruin the suprise.