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What Else Matters




This page is a continuation of my creative writing... It will be updated when I have a reason to show people what is on my mind.. for now.. I am just going to keep it to myself... Suffer...

Ahhh screw it.. here it goes:



where's my baby at, when I'm slidin in the sheets, 

where's my baby at, when I am hearing those beats

little does he know how my love grows 

and that while he is away

I don't need no play 

that while the night comes

 I'll be waitin for his drums, 

so he can bring on the beat

that baby makes me sleep

into his lovin arms I'll know it's true

so can feel his love pushin on through

 where's my baby at when I'm sliding in the sheets, 

where's my baby at when I am hearin those beats


The night was cold.. and the window was open. I reach down and pull the comforter up over my bare shoulders and then I feel you behind me. Your hand slides up over my back and around my middle. It tickles a little and I smile. I feel your chest to my back, your heart beat, steady, your lips to my neck, snuggling me into you. I reach my hand down and twine my fingers around yours not wanting to let go, to ever let go. My cat pounces on the end of the bed, crawls up and lays on your side. I smile.. feeling like home. Your fingers you take back from me and slide down my side. You trace little lines and I can feel anticipation build. That little spot.. you always find it.. and I cringe from your playful tickling, but can't help but find myself giggling. The cat quickly runs from the room.. and I move to wiggle away from you until I find myself on top of you pinning your hands down and laughing.. just enjoying all of you, your smile so good so filling. Your eyes say it all.. and we are at peace.


The Train


Taking each day as the last is already gone, thirsty holding onto the fresh water glass, slipped and is lost in the ocean, salt in the wound now numb, she can no longer hurt you. 


You've beaten the train this time, vanity gone you invited your disheartened to ride along with you and the scenery is grand as the lights flash on and off again bringing you closer. 


The hook missed again, just lightly grazing the back of your neck and sweat rolls down the side of your face. The tall dark shadow once lingered now finds a seat in a different car opting for another who's heart has stopped beating. 


You wait for the other train to pass so that you can leap, it must be fast.. it must be the right time or you will find ourself on the tracks...



Call Me Angel


Call me Angel because you believe

touch my cheek and taste my skin

remind me of what I am here for

help me to forget that painful sin


You aren't the men of before

you aren't the heartache from the past

you are something different

you are something I want to last


Place your finger upon my lips

seduce me with your simple ways

make me believe you have come

to save my beautiful days


I believe in you while you stand

arms around me still 

I am hopeful of that growing love

oh how strong grows our love's will


and I can let you drive

protect me with your love

and I will be woman of your dreams

while the wind sweeps away doubt from above


It is to you I trust you ask nothing still

and it is what we have cared to play

that is bringing my love to you

to be shared every day.



Will I?

May 8, 2002


The driving rain

 couldn't keep me

 from you eventually


It tries to take me

 away from you but it

 will not win


the sun the following

 morning doesn't

 mean a thing to me


without your dawning

 my simple day

 screams to stop


my will no longer

 strong to your intent

 weak to your love


Like a disease

 I am crippled to you

 do as you will I dream


I close my eyes

 to hesitate is not mine

 instead I jump


But... will I fall?


Hush now and watch

April 24, 2002


Deep color so dark into a different dreams eyes

are we walking I whisper 

and you say just hush now and watch

the lights above us dance and I smile


I laugh to my delight a child like way

and it is not what I felt before that keeps me

but what I haven't known before that temps

and leads to think a single star twinkles


And when I look at you, your soul aged beyond

who are you and why did you come

and you whisper again hush now and just watch

and I can't help but be caught 


Hush now and just watch you say again

I didn't even ask yet but you knew I was going to say

so I obey your command to let this happen

I close my eyes and hush now and I watch for your hand


What you created... you will never know

April 24, 2002


Part of you hoping that I died inside

and wait for you in my coffin world

for you to awaken me again

but I have surpassed your awakening


And I don't want what pill you give

because it only woke you to fall asleep

again you trip into your sweet blind ways

and I laugh into the darkness knowing what you don't


And I once thought my belief was enough

but it was the green history that kept you

and the conforming ways of your dreamless night

that paint you numb and took you where you think to be


That low laugh, that knowing laugh and you don't know

you don't question too queer in your own mind

to even see how ugly it really is you're weighted down

and you have all you wanted, they let you believe


Remember that taste how sweet my juice to a new year

to you I sang but now you don't get my words

and I tossed the sheets to the wind

letting my sleep leave me forever dead to the show


And you can't be strong when you have

nothing to resist nothing to question nothing to give

you told me you danced naked the scars to show

but it was all a garden of fake flowers you showed me


Take them those plastic nights and pretend

they will also pretend for you a well disguised hell

the false tears, the false ways, the false dreams

and I walk barefoot to life's discarded glass shards


And tell me how the view is from down below

because I am so high without you

the dreams dance again ripping apart the facade

what you created.. you will never know.




April 23, 2002

A jaded veil fallen over my eyes
like chainmail it fends off the dragon
My life a state of entropy
gone from those sedate days to disorder
I am warmed by these days

The sun only brings me light on this night
not needed to warm a mind gone to living
I entropionise my thoughts shocking my system
bringing a smile slowly to a day once gone to frown
and I don't know where it leads

Could you dance the flowers entreat
my feet move to this beat and beg to feel
the floor I laid with my own imagination
soft beneath my tentative toes
now entrapped by this growing dream

My exigency faded into black nightmares
the moon hides them behind its darkness
the misogynist loses his sight
and I come to question what it means
but let the unknowing delightfully coat me

The questions unanswered and unworried
too harsh the cold light could bring
instead warm retreat to laughter we feel
something stronger than one dance upon night
and the veil falls to the ground my eyes to see

And it is spring renewing a lost youth
a present to the soul
and like a teething child screams
the new causes pain to only blossom to beauty
and I awake on the path again ready to walk.

Bring it on


Bring it on

take it out of me

push me farther than I have gone before

challenge me:

make me cry in pleasure

make me growl in pain

make me remember you

make me want you

make me damn you

make me love you

make me want to be bad with you

make me want to do what I dream

make me mad at you because you can do this to me

and then tell me you love me

I will be yours forever but myself for even longer

not to betray a heart that still believes

in love.




I fell and the hill scratched my knee

the scab left a scar and I knew that you would be with me forever

Drunk in my lost fate hopeful in the loss

the dream came stronger even though it was already far gone

I look now to the setting sun knowing you are there

somewhere there is a cloud you see and it makes you think of me

One day you will be free again

I know it will be true that rusted chain you spoke up you'll break

But for now you dance in that circle

around again, around again looking off to the sides to see me

No longer the wallflower I stand out from the crowd

and you may once again long for my smell to surround you

and bring you the dreams again.


Daddy is Callin


February 14, 2002


Your daddy needs you my love

so let go of the past

he is there now at your feet just askin

for something you can give

Sweetheart don't remember that he wasn't there

just remember your son lookin at you

and think about what he would do

if it were you at his feet singing the blues

Sometimes they are lost I remind you

and they need us to show them the way

You sigh and look at me love

knowing what you know is true

It isn't for you to turn away this time

it is for you to be better than that

your son's eyes will look upon you one day

and will he turn away?

Show compassion, resist the wall

your daddy is callin again wanting to hear it from you

you only have one and you have to make it last

the past is only gone be beyond the broken pieces

We can only do so much for those we love

as I would do for you forever my dear

so when your daddy comes a' calling

just tell him he has no fear and give him your hand




February 09, 2002


G'dam I need it like only you can give it

Yeah you, the one with eyes of blue slip it in

why don't you


Is that too cold, did I hurt your feelings

Yeah you, the one I used to make love to take it again

I want you


The way you take me by the neck and whisper

Yeah you, the one who whispering fuck you making me hot

wanna fuck you


There you go teasin me again make me want it

Yeah you, doin what you do not giving a damn for me

taking all too


And you know I give it freely if you should just ask

Yeah you, pull me again tight to you and leave your mark

I love you